Field of patient care:
Registered Dental Nurse
Lisa is finally living her dream of becoming a dental nurse (a little later in life than planned)
In her previous career, Lisa worked in healthcare communications, both public relations and as a freelance journalist for pharmacy magazines.
Outside of work, Lisa is kept busy with three school aged children, and arguably has the largest dogs in Goring! She is currently trying hard to run more than 2 miles before collapsing in a heap and loves going to any kind of live entertainment… from gigs, comedy and to the theatre.

mr Ranju Khurana
MClinDent (Eastman) MRD (Eng)
Registered Specialist in Prosthodontics
Dental Implant Surgeon
Dr Anu Chadha
MSc (Eastman)
Removable Prosthodontics (dentures)
Jonathan Davies
BDS (Lond), MFDS RCS (Edin)
Registered Specialist in
Dental & Maxillofacial Radiology
Olga Bosten
BSc Dental Hygiene and
Dental Therapy (Portsmouth)
National Certificate NEBDN
Hygienist and Dental Therapist
Dr Ash Menon
BDS (Lon)
Speciality doctor in
Oral Surgery
Dr Gan Dharrie Maharaj
BDS MSc (Endo) LLM
Special interest in
Endodontics (Root canal treatments)
Mandy Morris (RDN)
Dental Nurse,
Reception and
treatment co-ordinator
Nicola Snell (RDH)
Lisa Chick
Dental Nurse
Receptionist and Patient Liaison
Jenny Crame
Dental Nurse